Ministry of Culture and Heritage of Ecuador and Confucius Classroom of Siyuan Academia de Lengua China jointly holds a cultural performance to Celebrate the 74th Anniversary of the Founding of the P. R. of China
On September 28, 2023, local time, to celebrate the 74th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Ministry of Culture and Heritage of Ecuador, and the Confucius Classroom of Siyuan Academia de Lengua China in Ecuador, jointly organized a cultural performance to celebrate the 74th anniversary of the founding of the P. R. of China.
Mauricio Ullrich, Deputy Minister of Culture and Heritage of Ecuador, Wei Lin, Political Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Ecuador,Cao Xiaohong Principal of Confucius Classroom of Siyuan Academia de Lengua China, and Sandra Romero, Principal of Liceo Matovelle School watched the performance.
Photo/Text: Confucius Classroom of Siyuan Academia de Lengua China in Ecuador
Translated by: Zhang Yingfan