The Confucius Institute at Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod holds the Ninth Council Video Conference

Hits: Update time: 2022-03-24

The Ninth Council Video Conference of the Confucius Institute at Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod(LUNN) was heldon March 22, 2022.Presidents of both universities, including relevant staff members, attended it.

Nikonova, Presidentof Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod,expressed her hope to establishthe online courses, promote exchange of students,strengthencooperation and utilize education resourcesjointly.

Dong Hongchuan, President of SISU, expressed heartfelt gratitude to LUNN for its support to the Confucius Institute. He pointed out that SISU attached great importance to the development of this Confucius Institute. SISUhad organizedvarious online activitiesand provided opportunities for excellent students to study in China, which actively promoted the long-term development of the Confucius Instituteand the friendly cooperation between the two universities.

In the end, all the participants had a deep discussion aboutthe future development of the Confucius Institute.


(Translated by Yuan Shuyuan)